Sims 3 Deep Fryer Free Download

Capone This lot is set close to campus at Sim University. This brightly colored stone house has three bedrooms, a hidden alchemey room, pool, hot tub, tennis table, expensive sports car, and an art spot. Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer. Download your FREE* The Sims 3 Generations Registration Gifts now! With Generations, Sims of every age can. New Premium Content: Ice Cream Machine & Deep Fryer Carl and Pam's The Sims Forum. Several of us here have been using it so the game has been up a lot. The only problem is our Sims are obsessed with the fryer and ice cream maker and the ice cream maker makes a huge mess. I'm probably missing something though, feel free to enlighten me.

Sims 3 Deep Fryer Free Download For Windows 7

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  • edited April 2012
    mine appears but my sims wont take it out of the fryer . it will continue to cook and my sims just leave it there they cannot eat it.
  • edited April 2012
    Mine won't appear at all my sim cause a fire and the food is not appearing at all. This is so annoying because I was so happy for this set and now it's not working
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    There is a deep fryer?

    It's a store item.
    Not really anything to do with Showtime but, eh.
  • edited April 2012
    Minnesotan4Life, it comes with the new Fiesta set
  • edited April 2012
    Nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I keep thinking maybe a mod is causing this?
  • edited April 2012
    I have the same problem. I've even tried not using any mods or custom content except the deep fryer and ice cream maker and my sims' food never appears
  • edited April 2012
    there is a link to a mod fix in this thread...
  • edited April 2012
    Mine is working just fine, but I have no mods. I'm beginning to think having the ice cream maker and deep fryer is going to be a pain. All my male sim wants to do is make ice cream and deep fry it for all of his meals! He's going to get fat!
  • edited April 2012
    Mods do break the deep fryer and ice cream maker as well as do cheats like make the Sims static - but if you have any Twallans mods in, he still has not got them perfected to the latest patch and there are problems with new content as well as some of the ST venues and performances. Just removing them does not always fix it - but at present without mods or cheats the only bug in the ice cream maker and fryer is the fact you can't cancel the action. Some of us have been actively testing these under various different circumstance since they came out and the Guru's have been looking in and have verified if you make your sims mood static - and a few other cheats - this can cause a sim to badly glitch. EA is not going to fix their stuff for mods - so you will just have to wait if they are twallans until he can get to the bottom of this problems and the few ST problems his mods are still causing. I choose not to use the Overwatch since ST but do keep watching his site and read his info. But we do assume the Sims team will fix the actual bug as they are working on it.
    One thing I have discovered is you can control the sims constantly eating just fried stuff or ice cream by making the kitchen much closer to them than these appliances. I placed mine in an outdoor kitchen where my party sims hold their parties and cookouts. Now they don't have to cook and everyone eats, but because it is a walk to get there, the sims will choose the kitchen appliances to eat when they are in the house and not partying - not all - but most of the time. Also the more cooking skills your sims have the less they seem to rely on just those two appliances - but again if you use cheats to raise their cooking skill - then it is as if they have no cooking skills. Unfortunately they have to do things the hard way by cooking and studying.
    But if yours does not work - first I suggest you uninstall them - then go re-download and re-install them to make sure you have a good download. If they still don't work - make sure you do not have testing cheats enable, buydebug on, or the sims moods are not static - if none of that is in your game then it is your mods interfering with the new programming. Don't forget - new programming is the same thing as getting an update - so things are going to be more inclined not to work right if you have mods with new programming regardless if it is just one tiny little item. It's new programming if they don't have anything like this in the game previously.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited April 2012
    @Writin_Reg: Could you point me to that thread where a guru answered about the static issue ?
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  • edited April 2012
    @Writin_Reg: Could you point me to that thread where a guru answered about the static issue ?

    This might be easier
    So, if players are using the Static Motives 'cheat' and have the Autonomy turned to High (High Free Will), there is a chance that your Sims' will behave as if they are OBSESSED with Ice Cream and Deep Fried Foods (almost like how I am in real life...). Anyway, this can be bothersome for several reasons.
    One way to stop the obsession is for the player who is using the static motives cheat to reduce the autonomy to Low or turn it off all together (Low Free Will or OFF). This can be done in the options menu. You still will experience much of the same type of game play (not exact, but close), without the junk food addiction on the part of your Sims.
    Because these items advertise for both FUN AND HUNGER NEEDS, they are AWESOME for parties, but might be bothersome when you are playing a game where static motives and high autonomy are required.
    Hope this helps!
  • edited April 2012
    ... but at present without mods or cheats the only bug in the ice cream maker and fryer is the fact you can't cancel the action.

    Does the EA team consider it a bug when vampires autonomously use the ice cream machine and deep fryer and eat non-vampire food? Or were they designed as an exception for vampires? I've been wondering about that, ever since it was reported that vampires use both of them.
    EDIT: I don't have vampires, so I cannot test their interactions.
  • edited April 2012
    The issue I have with the fryer specifically and my sims not completing the food or eating it is if I give them any command after they have the command to fry something. As long as I let it complete they fry and eat just fine but if I line up a command to follow up after they are done eating they immediately stop cooking, the food disappears and the command gets dropped and they go onto the second command I have given.
    For example: I have my sim make Maple Bacon fried ice cream and that is the only command. He goes through all the steps of frying the bacon, making the ice cream in the ice cream machine, then frying it and then takes it to the table and eats. If I give him a command to say, read a book to follow up after eating at any point while he is making the fried maple bacon ice cream the command to make the ice cream disappears as does the food at whatever stage he is in making it and he goes to read the book.
    I also have this happen if a need pops up while they are in the process of doing anything with the fryer. For example, my sim needed to sleep but was still a bit green in that need when I sent him for a fried candy bar before bed. He was in the process of frying when the bed command pop up generated by the fact that his sleep need had dropped to yellow, the food disappeared and off to bed he went.
    One heck of a diet plan !
  • edited April 2012
    Thanks Writin_Reg for the info! My fryer was working fine but this weekend ErrorTrap started throwing all sorts of unhandled errors regarding it. I just deleted it because I need ErrorTrap more than I need fried candy bars. I'm sure Twallan will get it straightened out soon.
  • edited May 2012
    mine appears but my sims wont take it out of the fryer . it will continue to cook and my sims just leave it there they cannot eat it.
    This is what happens to my sims...they put food in the fryer and it continues to cook, for hours. There is no options except to put more food in, 'fry and eat' or 'Serve.' It seems like there is a feedback loop that prevents them from lifting basket and dumping food on a plate...they get excited, clap, grab the handle and burn their finger. After that they put more food in the fryer, get excited and then it starts all over again. :roll:
    Until they get this fixed my sims won't be eating fried food. :roll: No problems w/ice cream maker, thank heaven.
    'Nothing stinks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you are wrong.'
  • edited May 2012
    WR as you know I have OW,SP,MC and MC cheats all by Twallan and I do not have any issue with the new PC so far.
  • edited May 2012
    Thanks Writin_Reg for the info! My fryer was working fine but this weekend ErrorTrap started throwing all sorts of unhandled errors regarding it. I just deleted it because I need ErrorTrap more than I need fried candy bars. I'm sure Twallan will get it straightened out soon.

    I have 3 of Twallans mods, one of which is errortrap..... I will be sure to see if any dump files are created for the fryer now....
    So far, so good.
    Please Visit My Sims 3 & 4 Blog!
  • edited May 2012
    One of the threads was the one Amjoie has further down - here's where we started - if you notice Amjoie found the problem initially as i was NOT having any problems in my first post - but wanted to try and help her find the problem -
    Amjoie, I read about that Vamp situation too. I'm not playing with Vamps either at present - but I really don't know if they made any kind of exception for the vamps. Previously when I did play them - although sometimes regular food made them sick - and generally my vamp never went for regular food if there was plasma fruit or juice to be had - so that I would think they might see as a bug, if the Vamps are not even going after the plasma. I know I played that Vampire family from Bridgeport for a while and their toddler ate regular food, but both of those vamps used to get sick on regular food. Plus it did not seem to last very long compared to sims. It was okay if they were starving - but... I just have no idea.
    Gem - I am just telling what some other people have stated and even Twallan said he knew they were not quite right yet - and that was before this reaction with the fryer and ice cream maker. I did not make it so - I also use Twallans OW and ET and have not reinstalled them since he mentioned he still has problems yet in his thread. No he didn't tell me personally - before you ask - it was in the info on his site. I understand he just released another MC, I think it was, today - but I have not been over there. I been up to my nose in medical tests all afternoon and evening. Sorry. I just got back in here about 15 minutes ago. We had dinner like quarter past 10 pm. I've been straight out all day.
    I also do not know if Twallan knows about the reactions with the new fryer and ice maker. They are new programming that the game did not have before. So his mods just may have to be tweaked for that too. I don't know. I know the Sims Team are already looking into it and the only thing - without mods - I can attest repeatedly happens is sims ignor the command when you cancel out the action even if they are no where even near the fryer or ice cream maker when you cancel it. They will continue as if you never cancelled it at all, will cook the food and eat it. Nothing stops them.
    So in my view the Sims team needs to first stop that behavior - beefore Twallan could test his mods for a problem. Who's to say EA fixing it - might be enough that Twallan mods won't bother them or not then. The sims are ignoring base game commands - and that is not good.
    Plus it sets them up as Amjoie discovered to get glitched terribly - especially if certain situations involving game cheats, like making sims motives static is used on the sims. Other have found other cheats creating a similar situation too.
    I am simply stating what we saw while testing these items in various households under various different situations - as well as posts else where as well.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited May 2012
    thank you for that info WR. I haven't tested them thoroughly yet but so far with those mods I have no issues with them I don't remember if i canceled the action to see what happens, but so far i didn't have any animation issues, or sims leaving the food in the fryer etch. I did notice a quite annoyable high attraction with those items, but i do have this issue with most PC, and i've noticed that sims after having the fryer and ice cream maker for a few sim days they start ignoring them.
    Forgot to mention that I had to reinstall my store stuff , as i t seems i broke something by deleting stuff i didn't want, and i haven't tested my PC after that. I'm planning on doing that later today by placing all of them in a lot with two sims and have them play with them.
    About the mods now. I do not have any issues with OW, MC or MC cheats, or at least nothing bad enough to be noticable or game breaking.
    I did have issues with simfests resetting themselfs due to SP and how it handles the new proffesiosn, and it's not capable of doing so yet thus reverting sims back to normal careers and borking propretors and simfests. This was said by Twallan himself. DD or Tangie mentioned that with version 218 this was 'fixed' but Twallan said that he hadn't yet looked into this, so probably one of the fixes in v218 was making things with simfests a bit more stable.
    Sims fests do work with v218, but i got immidiate staggerring and freezing when i got it and a hard freeze and a crash during a simfest. I did have that issue before, but more often, and simfests would never complete succesfully.
    I got now v220 that seems way more stable no staggering or freezing so far, but i haven't tested sim fests yet, and in general i'm still testing the mod and trying to gather as much info as possible for Twallan as he still haven't really worked on SP to make it handle the new professions.
    So as far as i know, the mods are compatible with ST , but just to the point of not crashing the game (SP excluded as i haven't tested it enough yet)They are not yet able to handle and change the ST code, apart form a few simple things, and those are Twallan's words.
    I'm still using them (MC, MC cheats and OW are the ones i'm more confident with , as i've played with them and ST for quite a while and didn't notice any issues) but I'm more cautious with SP, as I DO know it cannot handle the new careers yet, and I'm mostly testing it , and with the first hickup it's the first thing i take out and try again.
  • edited May 2012
    Hi Gem - Yeah - I have more or less followed what Twallan has posted - but for me I will not have any of the mods in my game until they are running as they are intended - solely because I do spend a lot of my time testing all sorts of Sims related things - I do not want to get a false reaction in a world, games, lot, or item what so ever. So I cannot reliably state how anything reacts to any of Twallans mods - I can only report what others who have them have stated - then I check to see if the situation occurs without these mods being in my game. So far things people have reported regarding the new fryer and ice cream maker - have not occurred in my testing of these new items under any circumstance - the only thing I guarantee happens is 1- the sims will only choose the fryer or ice cream maker when they are hungry - in particular if their cooking skills are low or have none yet over any other appliances - regardless of what their fav food is and regardless of whether they have the best appliances you can buy in sims. These new items always is their go to food source. The only way i have gotten my sims to use other appliances is make sure the ice cream maker and fryer are not handy - I put mine a long walk outside their house in an outdoor kitchen - then my sims will generally go eat from the much closer kitchen in the house. So the attraction to those items is higher than the Guru's seem to think and reported to us testing these things.
    2- Cancelling the action once the sims has the thing in their que - will not stop the sim. It will show the action is cancelled but the sims will continue anyway to the fryer or ice cream maker and make the food they had planned, even though I had given them an order to make something on their stove. They will proceed to make the food at the stove only after they have made their food at the ice cream maker or fryer and have eaten them. Of course I then cancel the making of the stove food, and they instantly stop - as they should.
    Those are the two things i can verify. I can verify the more cooking skills the sims have the less likely they are as attracted to the two new appliances. I can attest that using a cheat to make sims comply to the cancelling of their action will glitch the sims as Amjoie's sim was glitched in the beginning of our thread - also setting a sim to static motive will glitch a sim in the same manner. Game cheats should not cause sims to glitch like that - in my book anyway they shouldn't. It is an indication that something is not quite as fluid as it should be with these items and the games programming - which then turn testing cheats into game failures. But in all honesty it is just my assumption that this is what may be happening.
    Either way as a responsible tester - at least I try to be - as I like others to be able to depend on my testing of things - I cannot use any mod to test EA stuff to start with - especially even a useful mod like Error trap that does tell me a lot of things to look for when testing worlds - I can't use it if it's creator says it is not 100 per cent compatiable with the game yet - other wise my testing of these items would be unreliable. As we have seen just with the ST careers and simfests - the mods create bad situations that are not present in the game without them. But I agree, when Twallan has these things running right they are a huge asset to the game. I miss them. I really do. I hate having to go around looking for lost sims, or having to constantly delete cars, shut off stereos and all the other thing Overwatch does - I now have to do - and believe me - overwatch does it way better than I do. But I just can't chance the mod creating other problems with the content I am testing.
    I do believe those mods cause problems with the sims not taking their food out of the fryer, as I have only seen this in games where one of Twallans mods were being used - like SP, MC, OW, or ET. It may or maynot be the cause of the bug in the programming for these items - so until The sims team get that tweaked, we cannot possibly test if Twallans mods really has a problem with these items.

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited May 2012
    so far I had no issues at all with those items even with ALL 4 big Twallan's mods i'm using. But i cannot say if it's just a coinsidence or i have been lucky or to say for sure that the mods do not cause any issues for sure, as I haven't tested this enough to make such a statement.
    For now i'll continue testing SP, and as i said above with the first hickup, it's the first think i'm taking out and try again
  • edited May 2012
    ET is designed to make game errors visible. They are occurring without the mod, you just don't realize it cause the actual error message is suppressed by the game.
    I have not tested anything myself with me being away an all but while there will always be issues that need to be ironed out if you use any of twallan's mods, I can't really believe that ErrorTrap is actually causing any of the Fryer Issues.
    So unless someone can show me a post by twallan where he says that his mods are actually causing issues with the PC, I don't believe his mods are the issue. There seems to be one issue with SP and the voodoo doll but other than that, I've not found a statement over at his wiki where he actaully said his mods were causing problems.
    But that's just my opinion without testing or throughly reading here or at twallan's wiki. Of course there's still issues in the mods (there probably always will be) but I'm really curious to know what issues WR is referring to exactly.
    As geminiagre said, SP is not set up for the new careers which can lead to to issues but what's wrong with OW ?
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  • edited May 2012
    Crinrict - Like I said I am NOT using Twallans mods because even he stated they are not quite in tune with ST and because of that I have NOT used them since ST came out - but other people reported using his mods that have ST and list a variety of problems with their stage performance, proprietors, simfests, simporting and so forth. That is sort of a seperate issue with the issue of the PC - and I simply theorized - seeing many people reporting certain problems with the Fryer and the ice cream maker also some stated they had at least some of those mods I listed installed and had ST and TO ME - I find the probability high that the ability to not to remove food from the fryer as POSSIBLY tied to the use of these mods that Twallan stated were not quite up to date with ST. I do not in my heart feel it is a problem with the PC and Twallans mods - directly - but the fact they are not yet compatiable with ST may be the issue and therefore with this PC having a command type bug (Sims not cancelling the action to use these appliances when they are cancelled well before the sims start using them) then add to this the mods not quite tweaked to ST, that they may in fact create additional problems with this PC. I just think you are not understanding what I am trying to say. I just know only what some simmers have stated on various thread and the thread Amjoie and I were actively searching and testing out these two new appliance PC.
    Otherwise I have no clue what you are assuming I have been saying. I know what ET does - I depend on ET a whole lot while testing worlds for other simmers as it makes my job a whole lot easier - and right now I do not feel it is ready for use until Twallan is sure it is fully intuned to ST seeing I have ST.
    I fully believe in my heart when Twallan has those mods fully insych with ST - that they will not have or cause a problem with this content. At least that is what I hope as doing all the work OW does and having to not have ET for testing worlds is a real inconvenience as far as I am concerned and I miss them terribly - but I cannot use them and properly test anything if they are not working 100 per cent.
    It may be just a coincidence that additional problems incurred in this use of this PC and users having at least one of those mods - as one did report they just had Error trap - so I report it as a possibile additional problem and I start getting grief for it. I suppose I could just stop testing and reporting anything. And I probably should if this is an example.
    Heaven knows I did not know trying to help others would be so hard - but I am just not well enough to keep having to be stressed out like this over simply reporting what I have thoroughly tested and found without getting the third degree.
    I'm done!

    'Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories'...Will Wright.
    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....
  • edited May 2012
    I really don't get why you feel offended by what I wrote.
    I simply said that I don't believe that ErrorTrap is causing the Fryer issues but simply showing that there is a problem in the first place and was asking if you could point me to somewhere where Twallan said what issues there still are.
    My statement what ET does was for everyone here that does not read his forum on a regular basis.
    I said I did not test anything and since I've been on vacation, I'm badly behind on reading, so I was hoping you could save me some searching time.
    I understand your reasons for not using twallan's mods and I was never questioning that. I test vanilla when I want to find errors, that's how you do it. All I'm saying is that I don't believe that Twallan's mods cause the issue unless HE actaully says so. That's just my point of view and there's no reason getting worked up about it.
    Do you feel I was rude to you ? If so, I apologize, I never intended that (keep in mind, that english is not my mother tongue).
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    Please do not send me PMs/post on my wall if you're looking for help. I can't attend to those. You can find me at AnswerHQ.
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